In memory of my dear and unforgettable mother
Marion Verso Fernhout
A multitalented woman, artist and painter


Marion Fernhout in her glorious days


This website is intended as a tribute to honour my mother, an exceptional, beautiful woman and artist who did and achieved so many things during her lifetime. Alas, the terrible and most horrible disease of cancer took her away from me... She wrote lots of poems, made many photos and hundreds of paintings that I would like to share with people all over the world through this website.

She has been a wonderful, loving and caring mother; she will live in my heart, in my mind and in my soul forever.

Dedicated to my mom with all my love,

Michael Jr.

Poem for a mother

A mother dies always too young, even if she got very old.
You pray that God will spare her, because you love her.
But when days begin to pinch, she is becoming ill, she is tired
and suffering so much, you pray that God will take her,
because... you love her that much !
(author unknown)



Posing while she was in Turkey

My mother, Mrs. Maria Hendrika Verso-Fernhout
alias 'Mary' or 'Marion' to family and friends



Mary Fernhout while making a painting

While making a painting

Born in Puttershoek (Holland) on November 30th 1930, a very dynamic, artistic and loving woman with a variety of talents and a strong inner conviction and personality.

Since her childhood one of her biggest talents was to make  colourful gouaches and paintings.

During the 1950’s, she began taking private lessons from the Dutch master painter, Henk Koekkkoek.


Because of her great love for Hawaiian dance and music, she learned to sing and dance the Hula and to play the guitar and ukulele.

She performed in various Dutch Hawaiian bands such as:
'The Samoa Islanders' and
'The Maunaloa Hawaiians'.

Marion dancing the Hula

Dancing the Hawaiian Hula

She also sang as a choir member in the 'Operatic Choir of Amsterdam' as a contralto and had a great passion for learning and performing all kinds of different dances, including: Ballroom,  Tango, Salsa, African and Country-Line.

In Rome in 1953 she was on a tourist excursion where she met and fell in love with Italian tenor Michelangelo Verso after which they got married in Mexico in 1958.
She began accompanying her husband on his tours throughout the Americas.

Michelangelo Verso autographing for a fan

Michelangelo Verso, autographing for a fan, and his wife Mary
(on the right wearing a black dress), after a concert that M. Verso held
at Teatro Municpal of Cali (Colombia) in 1958

Marion Fernhout singing for TV - Montevideo (Uruguay)

Singing in Montevideo for Uruguayan Television - 1960

Having previously studied music and dancing, she also learned to sing in different languages.
Marion accompanied herself on the guitar or ukulele and under the guidance of her husband, she perfected her vocal talents, and within a brief time, began singing
popular repertoire in several theatres and clubs of the era.

She, and Michelangelo, often
sang on Radio and Television programs, to enthusiast audiences throughout South America.


Posing in Mexico with her guitar

Posing with her guitar - Mexico 1958


M. Fernhout in Mexico 1958

Performing in Montevideo 1960

Two other photos, one posing (Mexico) and the other while singing and playing the guitar (Montevideo) 

In 1961, Marion and Michelangelo returned to Europe. They settled in Italy, where she continued her artistic activities as a soubrette singing, dancing and acting in various theatrical productions touring throughout Italy and Europe and
in which she excelled as a real star and first lady. Marion was featured in shows and revues produced by well-known artistic companies of the period, including Nino Lembo, Lino Crispo, O’Brien, Gennarino Vollarň, Raffles, Lola Gracy, Bonetti, Los Brutos etc.


Marion returned to her homeland of Holland towards the end of the 1960’s. During the following five years, she continued sharing her love of singing and entertainment with the public in cabarets and nightclubs. 

Gradually, Marion, now a mother, began a new career utilizing her multilingual skills by becoming a freelance interpreter of the Dutch, Italian and Spanish languages for the Court and Justice of Amsterdam, translating for attorneys and judges.

Publicity photo of Marion - 1966

Publicity photo for Marion's Hawaiian dance act - Holland 1966

Marion at one of her expositions

Marion at an exposition of some of her paintings - Zaandam 1990

In the 1970's, Marion resumed the passion for drawing and painting that she had temporarily set aside, but never forgotten, years before.
She commenced formal study and in 1978 she earned her diploma from the School of Drawing and Painting (“Ecole de Dessin et Peinture”) of Paris.

Marion produced many paintings and gouaches with great passion.
In 1977 she joined the prestigious Association “The Sunday Painters” of Amsterdam to have the opportunity to study and paint a variety of models, still life compositions and landscapes. Marion acquired additional skills and experience.
She met and painted with famous Dutch master painters including Maarten Krabbé, Toon de Haas and Jan Frenken. Marion participated in the art association for more than 28 years.
In 2002 she received the distinction of honorary member.

She was also a member of the 'Country line dance club' on the Tuesday mornings.
However, because of her undermining and harassing illness, she could not keep up with all her activities and interests. She still would have liked to do so many more things and to take part in everything... but alas, it was not possible anymore... 
She passed away on June 23rd 2005 in her own home.

I hope that after her long suffering, which she endured most bravely and heroically, she has finally found calm and peace and that she is surrounded by the all-encompassing, eternal love of the hereafter.

Written in honour and in memory of and with much love for his Mamma, by her only child and son,

Michael Jr.


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Author, webmaster and copyright: Michelangelo Verso Jr.

last updated on 06/08/2015